About Us

Keil Estate Vineyard, North Barossa

Intense. Rich. Aged.

Small Batch, Single Vineyard, Special wines.

Purveyors of fine wines exclusively from the Keil Estate vineyard, underpinned with an investment in patience by extended cellaring time prior to release.

It is a philosophy free of the compromises that can come when growing grapes to then the winemaking. 

Everything comes back to the source. Our measure of success is a wine that is true to its origins.

While excellence is a constant, our wines change year by year with every variable, including the development of the vines themselves.

We will always make the best, but we will never make 'the same'; rather, wines whose flavour profiles speak clearly of a parcel of vines and its fruit captured and crafted during one unique season in its life.

This season, next season, next decade...our wines tell a story that is always true to time and place.

Keil Estate’s wines are in constant evolvement, in line with what our vineyard delivers, the improvements within the vineyards, each years challenges provides our winemakers and vignerons with the foresight and freedom to make the desirable icon wines in small batches and feathers out into new styles to express the vineyard.

“Vin” Old Vines

These vines produce the top echelon of Keil Estate wines known as our planted “Vin” range, these old vines have grown beyond adolescence and are now fully mature. They have a root structure and trunk thickness that encourages diversity of flavour and character. Their worthiness has been proven over many vintages, consistently producing the highest quality fruit for Barossa wines of distinction and longevity. Vin 53 is produced from our 1953 plantings of Cabernet Sauvignon and the Vin 55 and Vin 58 are produced from our 1955 and 1958 plantings of Shiraz.